Monday, April 29, 2013

A Litany Against Jindal and the Republican Right: Ranting against Sins of Omission and Commission in an Alphabetic Meditation

A Litany Against Jindal and the Republican Right:
Ranting against Sins of Omission and Commission in an Alphabetic Meditation

We pray at the altar of humanity and goodness for the remission of the evils of current politicians.
Let them be cleansed of their calumnies and viciousness. 
Deliver us from evil promulgated by Jindal and the Religious and Political Right.
For they:

Abolish the American Dream,
Abnegate abortion,
Abuse the absurdities of society,
Accept advocates of the apocalypse,
Afflict the afflicted,
Alter the assessments,
Argue against atheism,
Assassinate the act of humanists,

Batter benefits of work and saving,
Belittle the beneficent,
Benefit the billionaires,
Best businesses against the person,
Bruit the building of monopolistic corporations,
Bugger the bureaucracy,
Build belated tissues of lies to bugger the benighted,
Buy the broadband and televised advertainment industries,

Capture the cravings of the fearful with raving platitudes,
Celebrate the super-rich,
Collapse clear thinking,
Comfort the comfortable,
Control access to funds for disasters,
Cook the climate,
Crave the congratulations of their cronies,
Create creationism as if it were scientific theory,
Crush the cravings of children,
Curry favors with the crapulous,

Demonize democracy,
Demoralize the military,
Deplete the national defenses,
Destroy those who deviate,
Divide the destitute,
Dump in the destinations of beauty,

Eliminate evolution,
Encapsulate enmity among every class,
Envision excesses of power, except their own,
Eviscerate education,

Falsify their functions,
Fictionalize uncomfortable facts,
Forgive the fatuous,
Fractionalize the functions of government,
Fractionate the female,

Grate the messages of the newer generations,
Gratify their fatuous gratuities,
Grow the glutinous,
Grieve the generous,

Harbor the hateful,
Hate those who help others,
Heal the haters to hate more,
Hear only the appeals of the hyper-religious fanatics,
Help the hypocrites,
Heathenize the Christian,
Hide their healing of the health-care profiteers,

Immoralize Islam,
Imprison the nonviolent,
Incarcerate the illiterate and the insane,
Incriminate all opposition,
Indict the ingenuous,
Insure the insurance companies,

Junk the judicial system,

Keep current messages about change quiet,
Kick counter cultures to the curb,
Kill the Christian message and replace it with greed,
Kindle crises around every corner,
Kiss corrupt church officials while getting support from pulpits,
Knot politics into knots,
Know their truths beyond all doubt while thumping abandoned biblical chapters,

Leave the processes of logic,
Lecture against love,
Limit legitimate claims while legislating on fantasies,
Loath the lower classes,
Lose the voice of reason,
Lower the legal bars to imprison more poor,

Massacre those opposed to meanness,
Maximize monetary business profit in excess,
Mention morality while practicing immorality,
Mess with the marginalized,
Minimize all mental processes,
Mouth the monuments of mendacity,

Nationalize prescription care,
Negate the new in favor of old solutions
Neglect needs of the national good,
Neuter national exceptionalism,
Nix the needs of the nation,
Nullify new negotiations towards progress,
Nuzzle the nabobs of the military-industrial complex,

Obfuscate their obscure desires for power and control,
Open the way for oppressive theocracy,
Organize openings for billionaires to control politics and education,

Pander to the plutocrats,
Perpetuate poverty for their purposes,
Plunder the poor,
Premeditate all pregnancies,
Pontificate puritanism while living luxuriously

Promulgate the perversely parsimonious,
Propagandize against the public good,

Quantify the unquantifiable,
Quarrel with the quotidian,
Quash opponents with quarreling,
Question the morals of the others,
Quit the realms of careful compromise,

Reactivate regression to the 1950s model of society,
Re-compensate religions,
Redefine rape,
Redouble racism,
Regress the right of the people,
Regurgitate regulations of righteousness,
Reject the realities of marriage,
Religify education to the detriment of all,
Remove regulations protecting health and the poor,
Re-segregate the races in schools and communities,
Run from the caring for all in our republic,
Rupture the reputable who fight against them,

Sanctify the insincere,
Shoot the stragglers,
Simplify all situations to black and white,
Slander their own socialist roots,
Strap the students,
Starve services,
Strip science from schools and universities,
Stultify the sane,

Tax the tender,
Terrify teachers with untested tests,
Tergiversate their own transgressions,
Thump for trashing the environment,
Transfer tax funds to religions,
Treat technology as the answer,
Triple taxes on necessities,
Turn truths into falsehoods,

Ululate their utterances,
Undo the support for the unfortunate,
Uniform the underprivileged,
Upgrade the unknown and the unknowing,

Vent vitriol against the immigrant,
Violate the vital services to the poor,
Vitiate the vital protections of education,

Warm the wealthy,
Weaken the weak,
Wear out the woe-begotten,

eXacerbate the educated,
eXcise the enfranchised,
eXercise the enabled,
eXfolliate the forests,

Yield to the bullies,

Zip their mouths to the uttering of truths,

Thus, we pray this day in reaction to the sainthood of Ronaldus Reaganus Republicanus and his tergiversating apprentices,
Demanding attrition and removal of Jindal and the religious right from power,
With faith in the democratic values of our republic.

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