Monday, June 13, 2011

Entry 12: Priorities

Let me make this short and simple (something I’m not known for because classrooms and schools are complex social organizations).

The first priority of any teacher is to get the students engaged in learning.

The second priority of any teacher is to keep the students engaged in learning.

The third priority of any teacher is to make learning and performance of the students intrinsically motivating.

The fourth priority of any teacher is to assess the classroom performance of the students and to use those assessments to build engagement, motivation, and lifelong learning.

Without these four priorities, teaching and learning do not occur. To meet these priorities every teacher needs a repertoire of strategies for getting and maintaining student attention and interest, for motivating students, and for assessing students. Without these four priorities on the minds of every teacher and administrator and parent, the schools fail. Right now, the testing regime is striving to make schools as toxic as possible in the U. S. The tests have become a punishment for all learners and teachers. There is no reward for learning or even for performing on the tests. The joy of learning has been removed from the classroom. The interconnectedness of thought and learning has been lost. There is no plan for improving the repertoires of the teachers. Learning must not be punished. Activity in classrooms must not be a punishment.

With these for priorities, students and teachers will succeed. They all need success because without success the school is a toxic environment. Change the punishments of the testing regime by focusing on real learning, engagement, motivation, classroom performances for assessment, and lifelong learning, or, more simply, the four priorities. 

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