Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Curriculum-as-Stuff Model

The Curriculum-as-Stuff Model holds the idea that children learn only through the consumption of published materials and tests. It includes teachers who teach with stuff rather than ideas and classroom organizations that meet the needs of the children. The Curriculum-as-Stuff Model is an outgrowth of mass consumerism and the testing regime, which opposes the idea that children need to encounter thinking, caring others who communicate and explore their worlds with them. Obviously we tell learners that we care about them by having clean, well-supplied classrooms and schools; artifacts are useful and interesting, but the key idea is to know where the learners need to go (goals!) and to find interesting, fascinating activities that engage them towards those goals. Only the good teacher can build this complex idea-based curriculum.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

4th Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society

Hotel Concorde La Fayette, Paris, France  23-28 July 2012

Here's a conference in Paris -  http://education-conferences.org/
4th Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society
Hotel Concorde La Fayette, Paris, France  23-28 July 2012
I'm planning to submit a paper or two to present.